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(February 25, 2017)

They all want a story. Maybe
I want one too. Only recently
I heard this one man exclaim,
“Be wary of simple stories!”


What then, is this exercise
Of constantly building stories?
Well, maybe I’ll do the job still
As long as someone pays the hotel bills.


But it’s the stories I build for myself,
Those are the ones that frighten me.
They’re all convinced and here I am, trapped
In a constructed world of my stories.


(January 30, 2015)

Neither the bright blue skies;
Nor the pouring moonlight, move me to words anymore.


Words to think. Words to say.
Words to write. I have lost it all.


Time passes in staring at a screen.
The screen changes, but the familiar numbness doesn’t.


The sunlit shadows on the window panes;
The thick grey clouds headed towards new horizons;
The changing skies, the pretty buildings…
I have them all but to no avail. None move me to words.


Words to think. Words to say.
Words to write. I have lost it all.


It is a constant chase – of some notions or ideas.
They say, “you are lucky to have a ‘clear head’”
But life rushes by doubly fast.
I count how many days I’ve lived in holding on,
To mere notions.


And neither do these precious notions –
Those that will be gone with me – bring me to words;
Or thoughts, that can be useful words in turn.
In spite of the babble, despite the noise
Nothing moves me to words.


Words to think. Words to say.
Words to write. I have lost it all.


(December 7, 2014)
“Come December and I knew things will change;
The winter of soulful love will set in;
And it will be time ripe to watch the dead leaves falling again;
Along with broken hearts.”